State of Migration 2024: Steps taken in 2023 to get a grip on migration

State of Migration 2024: Steps taken in 2023 to get a grip on migration

Even though 2023 saw a global increase in migration, fewer people came to the Netherlands: 332,863 people, 17% less than in 2022. In recent years, the vast majority of people came to the Netherlands for work, study or love. A relatively small proportion came for asylum. At the same time, 2023 was a challenging migration year that put asylum centres under great pressure. Last year also saw an increase in the number of refugees from Ukraine hosted in the Netherlands, up from just under 91,000 to 110,000.

The government sent the fourth edition of the State of Migration to the Dutch Senate and House of Representatives on 14 June 2024. This report contains facts and figures on all aspects of migration and outlines the key developments in 2023.

Steps taken

The government worked to get a grip on migration both on a national and international level. As an example, the Netherlands entered into broad migration partnerships with several countries of origin. Close cooperation with Morocco, for instance, led to a higher number of returnees. The new European Asylum and Migration Pact was launched. This pact provides for compulsory screening at the external borders, which was essential to the Netherlands, and accelerated asylum and return procedures for people with limited prospects of being granted asylum. In addition, the pact aims to increase solidarity between member states.

Additional efforts were made in the Netherlands to shelter and house holders of a residence permit. For example, through various pilots with shared accommodation in the municipality where they will be housed and flexible homes for target groups in urgent need of a place to live.

About the State of Migration

Migration can lead to intense debates in society and developments follow each other in rapid succession. Therefore, it is important to have accurate information. The State of Migration provides an overview of the numbers of people entering and leaving the Netherlands as well as information on shelter, housing and integration. Migration is a global phenomenon. Therefore, the State of Migration also provides information on migration worldwide and within Europe.

The State of Migration is a co-production of the Ministries of Justice and Security, Social Affairs and Employment, Foreign Affairs, the Interior and Kingdom Relations, and the implementing organisations involved in migration.

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