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Israel/Palestinian Territories – Q&A – Extract from the press briefing (7 May 2024)

Israel/Palestinian Territories – Q&A – Extract from the press briefing (7 May 2024)

Q : At the speech he gave at yesterday’s CRIF* dinner, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal had not a word to spare for the Palestinian...

Ministerial meeting for advancing the Sudan peace initiatives (Paris, le 15 avril 2024)

DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES On the occasion of the “International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and the Neighbouring Countries” We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and representatives of...
International humanitarian conference for Sudan and neighbouring countries (Paris, 15 April 2024)

International humanitarian conference for Sudan and neighbouring countries (Paris, 15 April 2024)

1. In Paris today, France, Germany and the European Union organised an international humanitarian conference for Sudan and neighbouring countries, one year after the Sudanese...
Travel Advice – Middle East

Travel Advice – Middle East

#TravelAdvice | In view of the risks of a military escalation in the #MiddleEast, Foreign Minister @steph_sejourne endorsed the following measures in a crisis...
Sudan – International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbors – Key Asks on Humanitarian Access (15 April 2024, Paris)

Sudan – International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbors – Key Asks on...

After one year of conflict, Sudan is experiencing a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. Half the population – 25 million people – need humanitarian...
Israel/Palestinian Territories (16 April 2024)

Israel/Palestinian Territories (16 April 2024)

France utterly condemns the settler violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank. These coordinated armed attacks carried out in the presence of the...
France marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on 4 April 1949

France marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on...

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) comprises 32 Members, 23 of which are European Union member States, along with the United States and Canada...
Uganda – LGBT+ Rights (5 April 2024)

Uganda – LGBT+ Rights (5 April 2024)

France is extremely concerned by the Ugandan Constitutional Court’s decision to uphold the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act. It did, however, declare certain provisions unconstitutional. This...
Afghanistan – Situation of women (5 April 2024)

Afghanistan – Situation of women (5 April 2024)

France condemns in the strongest possible terms the Taliban’s recent decision to resume stoning women to death and inflicting corporal punishment upon them. This horrific...
Joint Statement of the Second Meeting of the U.S.-France Comprehensive Dialogue on Space

Joint Statement of the Second Meeting of the U.S.-France Comprehensive Dialogue on Space

The following joint statement was released by the Governments of the United States and France as the second meeting of the U.S.-France Comprehensive Dialogue...

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