Central housing search platform for refugees from Ukraine

Central housing search platform for refugees from Ukraine


, Topic:

, Date:
06 March 2023

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community is joining forces with Wunderflats and ProjectTogether.

One year after Russia started its war of aggression against Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens continue to seek protection and refuge in Germany. In order to ease the burden on municipalities and to facilitate the accommodation of refugees from Ukraine, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) has joined forces with the Berlin-based company Wunderflats and the non-profit organisation ProjectTogether. Their common goal is to set up a digital platform through which housing providers will be able to offer private housing to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. There are also plans to cooperate with the Malteser Hilfsdienst (Maltese Voluntary Agency) to support private housing providers and refugees.

Quick and reliable accommodation searches

Help with finding housing is an important part of integrating refugees from Ukraine. It is essential that this help be provided quickly, without bureaucratic hurdles, and that it also be offered by private individuals. The new housing search platform will allow refugees to find available accommodation independently and according to their needs. Wunderflats will protect the interests both of housing providers and of people in need of housing.

Housing providers and people in need of housing can find more information here.

Originally published at https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/kurzmeldungen/EN/2023/03/wohnraum_ukr.html;jsessionid=B59187C03B8A59BAB660F50B22043C52.2_cid373

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