Cooperation on limiting irregular migration along the Western Balkan route

Cooperation on limiting irregular migration along the Western Balkan route


, Topic:

, Date:
29 November 2023

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser on talks in Belgrade: “Overall, the Western Balkan countries continue to be the key region of transit into the EU”

The Balkan route has become a hub for irregular migration to Germany. Therefore, Federal Minister of the Interior and Community Nancy Faeser travelled to Belgrade for talks with her Serbian counterpart, Minister of the Interior Bratislav Gašić, and with Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić. “I am committed to ensuring effective protection of the EU’s external borders while at the same time upholding fundamental and human rights,” Faeser stressed.

During their meeting, Faeser and Interior Minister Gašić addressed issues such as illegal immigrant smuggling, measures to protect the EU’s external borders and capacity-building for border police. Faeser and Gašić agreed to intensify exchanges of situation reports on migration. “The Western Balkan countries will remain a priority of our bilateral border police cooperation in 2024,” the federal minister said.

The meeting with Foreign Minister Dačić focused on visa policy. “It is important that Serbia adapt its visa policy to the EU’s visa policy as soon as possible,” Faeser emphasised.

Only in German available

  • Zusammen­arbeit über Grenzen hinweg


  •  Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Staaten des Westlichen Balkans


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