Additional 12 million for reintegration of (former) convicts

Additional 12 million for reintegration of (former) convicts

The government is set to increase the funding to assist (former) convicts with a successful reintegration outside prison walls following their sentences. Starting this year, an additional budget of (in total) 12 million euros will be allocated for this purpose. Minister Franc Weerwind for Legal Protection informed the House of Representatives of this decision.

For vocational and continuing education of convicts, 5 million euros will be allocated. This will enhance the collaboration between the Judicial Organisation and labour organisations and improve the education offered to prisoners. In addition, 5 million euros will be allocated to collaboration between various parties. These funds can be used, for example, to improve knowledge exchange between staff of prisons, probation officers, municipalities and care & security houses. An additional 2 million euros will also be allocated to municipalities in their guidance of convicts towards work or housing. With this, municipalities can also assist in other basic conditions, such as arranging an identity document, healthcare (insurance), debt assistance and building a sound social network.

‘After a misstep, everyone deserves a second chance. The extra investment will help inmates properly return to society outside prison walls. In this way, we prevent them from falling back into crime and offer them prospects to rebuild their lives in a good and honest way,’ Minister Weerwind stated.

Proof of identity

As of 1 September, detainees can apply for a Dutch ID card from prison, even if they are registered in a different municipality. Municipalities in which a prison is located will be authorised to this effect. For successful reintegration, it is important that prisoners have proof of identity while they are still serving their prison sentence. Without ID, for example, it is not possible to find work or accommodation. This new procedure prevents detainees from leaving prison without a valid proof of identity. This measure was established in close collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

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