State Secretary Struycken enhances access to justice
State Secretary Struycken enhances access to justice through better information and improved procedures for obtaining advice, support and decisions from a neutral body. Enhanced access to justice enables people and businesses to find appropriate and lasting solutions to legal problems or disputes. Starting in 2027, the government will make 35.6 million euros available every year for enhancing access to justice. For 2025 and 2026, an additional 3.4 and 2.1 million euros will be available on a one-off basis. This is the crux of the letter that the State Secretary submitted to the House of Representatives.
As State Secretary Struycken explained, “In a state based on the rule of law, citizens must be protected and everyone must abide by the law. Access to justice is a prerequisite for this. People with legal problems should be able to find appropriate legal assistance. By enhancing access to justice, they can find a solution to their problem in an accessible way. In doing so, we not only make our rule of law stronger but also increase faith in the government and the legal system.”
A page on will come online in early 2025 where people seeking justice will find better and understandable information and videos on different ways to solve a legal problem. It will provide information on the places and persons they can turn to for advice, support or a decision from a neutral body.
To ensure improved advice and support to people seeking justice, efforts are being made to strengthen front-line services, such as the Legal Help Desk (Juridisch Loket). The Legal Help Desk will have a coordinating role in strengthening front-line legal assistance and will intensify cooperation with government departments and the social domain. In response to a motion by Members of Parliament Van Nispen and Palmen, exploration is also underway into how a nationwide network of social and legal services can be developed, building on existing local and regional initiatives. This network will provide faster solutions for legal problems
Legal advice centres (rechtswinkels) are also important first ports of call for people seeking justice. For that reason, the existing subsidy scheme for legal advice centres will be expanded so that every existing legal advice centre becomes eligible for funding. From 1 January 2025, 515,000 euros will be available every year for this subsidy.
Social lawyers are an important prerequisite for access to justice, especially for the most vulnerable. However, the profession is under pressure due to ageing and lack of fresh blood. Many stakeholders, including the government, the education sector and the legal profession itself, will have to join forces to find a solution. The State Secretary will work with the Dutch Bar Association on a more sustainable office blueprint for social lawyers. In addition, according to the State Secretary there are opportunities for law studies to pay more attention to areas of law in which many social lawyers are active, such as family law. The remuneration of social lawyers should also be appropriate. The Van der Meer II Commission is currently investigating this. Based on the recommendations of this committee, the State Secretary will consider what is necessary and possible from a financial perspective.
People can also solve legal problems through mediation. Therefore, the start-up contribution for mediation will be extended for five years. Thanks to the start-up contribution, the first two-and-a-half hours of mediation will be free of charge for people who are not eligible for subsidised mediation, provided they have been referred by the judiciary.
The Secretary of State is also committed to improving the procedure for obtaining a decision from a neutral body. For example, by making additional investments in the Judiciary. The number of locations where community justice is being conducted will also continue to be expanded through the use of existing policies.
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