Shut Out the Stigma: Kansas City Royals release extended teaser for upcoming film about mental health and youth sports

KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — An estimated 1.9 million kids between the ages of 3 and 17 have been diagnosed with depression. Mental health issues rise even higher when kids enter high school, and the numbers continue to grow for those youth who feel like they let the adults in their lives down.

As the sports world continues to grow in popularity on TV, online, and social media, there’s also pressure for more young athletes to compete in hopes of one day being a future star. While very few make it to the professional level, the pressure to get there is heard and felt on sidelines and stands across the United States, and often those voices applying the pressure belong to parents. 

“I’ve seen a lot of kids’ parents yell at them,” said Miles McGarry, a 12-year-old athlete. “Especially after games when kids go to their cars, I’ve seen their parents scream at them for what they did wrong.”

Since the launch of two bigger-than-life-sized letters placed at ball fields around the greater Kansas City area (, tens of thousands of people have started to share the photos on social media and tell their own stories. As the Kansas City Royals and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC) continue to share the message of how pressure and mental stress impacts young people, they are excited to announce the release of an extended teaser for an upcoming documentary that tackles the issue head-on.

“Our partnership with Blue KC has given us the opportunity to socialize and normalize the mental health issues that impact children,” said Sarah Tourville, Vice President, Chief Commercial and Community Impact Officer for the Kansas City Royals. “As a parent, I know first-hand that there is a delicate balance between motivating my children to perform well and allowing them to just play sports. This program provides a reminder for our community to reflect on our actions and to advocate for kids to find passion in playing the sports they love, without being scrutinized. Our efforts are intended to shine a light on behavioral health issues and to accelerate conversations about how we can provide a better atmosphere for kids to thrive on and off the field. I hope that our efforts will positively impact lives and encourage others to collaborate with us as we strive to “shut out the stigma.”

To see the movie trailer visit:

The full-length film is expected in the Fall of 2023.

On May 17th, the MLB announced an initiative “MLB Together” which focuses on youth and their mental health and wellness. If you know of a child needing free, confidential mental health or crisis support they can text “MLB” to 741741.

SOURCE Kansas City Royals

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Images courtesy of PixaBay

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