Citizenship Day with communal singing, ballet, and open house

On Sunday, September 10, 2023, all new Danish citizens were invited to a festive day at Christiansborg when the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) hosted the annual Citizenship Day.

All citizens who were granted citizenship during 2022 were invited to Citizenship Day, where they were celebrated with speeches, music, communal singing, and an open house at Folketinget. The festivities began with a welcoming speech by the Speaker of the Danish Parliament, Søren Gade (V), who, in his welcome speech said: 


»There are many good things to be said about Denmark and the society we have built. We must be careful not to become complacent. We must not take democracy for granted, otherwise we could risk losing it. This is where you come into the picture. Danish democracy needs you. You bring wisdom from many different countries. With your contributions, we will make the Danish society even better.”


After the speech, there was a musical performance by Annette Heick and Caspar Phillipson, accompanied by an orchestra. Following that, Kompagni B from the Royal Theater’s Ballet School performed, and the Royal Guard’s Musical Band played. The Slotsgården (Castle Courtyard) event concluded with communal singing, after which the new citizens and their companions, had the opportunity to visit the Danish Parliament building and meet politicians from the various parties in the Danish Parliament. 
Here you can see some pictures from the day.

Photographer: Ólafur Steinar Rye Gestsson

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