Speech by Mr Mogens Lykketoft in connection with the acts of terrorism in Copenhagen

We all feel great anger and sorrow about the terror attacks in Copenhagen on Saturday and Sunday during which two people were murdered and five police officers were wounded.  We all grieve deeply for the victims of the shootings at Krudttønden and the synagogue – and have the greatest sympathy with their relatives, friends and colleagues.   

But we were all hit hard by the fact that this could happen in our country. Our hearts bleed when peaceful citizens are killed because they exercise their freedom of expression or because they are members of the Jewish community.  

For the past few days – and not least during the huge mass meetings last night – we have manifested our will to stand together and do everything we can to prevent new attacks on our democratic fellowship, irrespective of our religious beliefs and political views.

A few terrorists must not succeed in creating strife between the world’s various religious communities.  Throughout the world, terrorism afflicts unoffending, innocent people of all religious persuasions.  In fact, most victims of terrorist acts are peaceful people of the Islamic faith.

Unfortunately, we knew very well that there was a risk of an attack in Denmark after what happened in London and Madrid and, most recently, in Paris.   Fortunately, highly skilled intelligence gathering and police cooperation across borders have helped to prevent many tragedies since 11 September 2001. 

But last weekend, we were hit in our hearts – here in Copenhagen. We are horrified that a rootless criminal was apparently inspired by the barbarism of IS and Al Qaeda to attempt to imitate the atrocities carried out in Paris last month.  

We all have the greatest admiration for the rapid, courageous response from the police force and the intelligence service – both in connection with the attacks themselves and the immediate location of the perpetrator.

Let us observe a minute’s silence in memory of the victims of terrorism in Copenhagen and confirm our common will to stand shoulder to shoulder to defend our democracy and our constitutional right to liberty.

Originally published at https://www.thedanishparliament.dk/en/news/2015/02/2015_eng_speechterror

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EU editor