With the backing of all parliamentary parties, Parliament’s Speaker Pia Kjærsgaard (Danish People’s Party), took the initiative to award Finn Nørgaard and Dan Uzan official recognition in the form of a bravery award for their valour during the events at Krudttønden and the Synagogue in Copenhagen on 14/15 February 2015. The new award is called ‘Folketingets Hæderspris’.
The main elements under consideration for the award included the following, which will now be described in more detail in a deed of foundation.
Title: Folketingets Hæderspris
Purpose: Awarded to a civilian who has demonstrated extraordinary valour at the risk of his/her own life in an attempt to protect and save the lives of others, and who lost his/her own life in the attempt,. The incidents shall be related to political crime, terror or an attack on our open, democratic society and right to liberty.
Award: DKK 200,000, awarded to a charitable cause approved by the Presidium according to the wishes of the next of kin. A framed citation, statuette or the like will accompany the award. The name of the recipient will furthermore be engraved on a memorial plaque in Christiansborg Palace.
Nomination right: Only Members of Parliament can nominate candidates for the award, and only the Presidium can decide to whom it is awarded.
Ceremony: The award will be presented at a reception in the Samtaleværelset (the Conversation Room) at Christiansborg Palace , on a date related to the victim or event. The reception will be followed by lunch at Christiansborg, attended by invited guests. The date of the first award presentation has not yet been set, but could be on the birthdays of the two victims (in May/June).
Frequency: The award will not be given annually – only when an event gives rise to it. Nominations can only be received one year after the event. The award covers events from 14 February 2015 and onwards.
Parliament’s Speaker, Pia Kjærsgaard (Danish People’s Party), had the following to say about the award:
“I have taken the initiative for Folketinget to establish its own bravery award to honour victims who gave their lives displaying selfless valour combatting attacks against our open, democratic society and right to liberty. I believe it is important that the state demonstrates its recognition and respect to the next of kin and to the victim’s legacy.
I am very grateful for the considerable support I have received from all parliamentary parties and am delighted that the vision of such an award can be realised, and that it can be awarded to Finn Nørgaard and Dan Uzan. I also hope that this will be the first and only time that the award is presented. As I hope that Denmark will never again be the scene of similar events that can give rise to presentation of the award.”
Originally published at https://www.thedanishparliament.dk/en/news/2016/02/2016_eng_02