Russian air attack on Ukraine (25 November 2023)

France utterly condemns the air attack launched today, 25 November, the day commemorating Holodomor, which saw the Soviet Union deliberately try to exterminate the Ukrainian people through organized famine. The attack confirms Russia’s boundless cynicism and violence.

These strikes, the great majority of which were carried out with drones, mainly targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, particularly in Kyiv. It is the largest air attack by Russia since it began its aggression, which violates the most fundamental rules of international law.

As Catherine Colonna, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, has recalled many times, these attacks deliberately targeting Ukraine’s population and civilian infrastructure are war crimes for which Russia will have to be held accountable.

France will continue to stand resolutely by Ukraine for as long as necessary so that it can legitimately defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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