Fewer traffic offences, especially speeding, in the second four-month period

Fewer traffic offences, especially speeding, in the second four-month period

Over 200,000 fewer traffic fines were issued in the months of May, June, July and August than in the corresponding period of 2023. The decrease has been seen in almost all types of offences, but especially in speeding and police checks.

In the second four-month period of 2024, a total of 2,901,661 ‘Mulder fines’ were issued for traffic offences under the Traffic Regulations (Administrative Enforcement) Act (Wet administratiefrechtelijke handhaving verkeersvoorschriften or ‘Wahv’). This is 7.6% less than in the same period of 2023 (3,139,438 fines).

Ongoing works

The decrease was mainly in speeding offences. This seems partly attributable to road works and system maintenance. As all speed cameras and some route control systems are being replaced this year and next, they are currently out of service. Moreover, some speed cameras will not be returned to their original locations. The police are conducting tenders for mobile systems.

30 km/h pilot scheme

Since June of this year, a pilot scheme in Amsterdam has been monitoring 30 km/h zones. The speed cameras, both fixed and mobile, have recorded thousands of offences in recent months. The results of the pilot scheme will be evaluated later this year.

Originally published at https://www.government.nl/latest/news/2024/09/25/fewer-traffic-offences-especially-speeding-in-the-second-four-month-period

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