Official visit of King and minister of Justice and Security to National Criminal Investigation Department

Official visit of King and minister of Justice and Security to National Criminal Investigation Department

On Tuesday 14 March, His Majesty the King joined Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius of Justice and Security on an official visit to the National Criminal Investigation Department (Dienst Landelijke Recherche), a division of the National Police Force. Together with other police units, this investigation department fights transnational, severe organized crime, cybercrime and terrorism, which threaten a secure society and democratic state of law. 

The focus of the official visit was the Approach to Criminal Power Structures (Aanpak Criminele Machtsstructuren (ACM)). The King and the minister had the opportunity to observe how the High Tech Crime Team can monitor encrypted communication – crypto communication data – between criminals. They also spoke to analysts and prosecutors about data analysis and intelligence, which are essential in detecting and combating criminal power structures as well as for other police units. The close cooperation in this approach between the National Criminal Investigation Department and the National Public Prosecution Office was also emphasized during the visit. 

Experts in implementation went on to highlight how intercepted crypto communication data ultimately lead to detection and arrests. One example is the recent dismantling of a crypto communication service, Exclu, where several individuals were immediately arrested during an operation. The joint approach to criminal power structures enables criminal networks to be dismantled, disrupted and suspects to be prosecuted. 

The King regularly pays official visits together with a minister or state secretary. During these visits, the King is informed, based on concrete examples, of the effects of the minister’s policy in the field.

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