We will always act in the European spirit

“We will always act in the European spirit”


, Topic:

, Date:
18 January 2022

EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser plan to cooperate closely on migration issues and the fight against online hate speech.

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser hosted a meeting in Berlin with EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson. During the meeting, they discussed current challenges in the field of home affairs, focusing on migration issues and the fight against online hate speech.

A coalition of member states willing to receive refugees

In the press conference after the meeting, Federal Minister Faeser stressed Germany’s humanitarian responsibility: “We stand for a new spirit and new action in migration policy – also at European level.” Ms Faeser wants to provide more support to the countries most affected by migration at the EU’s external borders. “We envision moving towards a common, functioning EU asylum system with a coalition of member states that are willing to take in refugees.”

Commissioner Johansson highlighted Germany’s key role in migration policy: “Germany is playing an extremely important part when it comes to the support of Afghans in need of protection, when it comes to resettlement, when it comes to cooperation with third countries. This is the way to manage migration.”

Holding online service providers accountable

Ms Faeser and Ms Johansson want to push forward Europe-wide rules regarding online hate speech and incitement to hatred or violence. With reference to death threats made against public officials via Telegram Ms Faeser said: “We will ensure that those who incite hatred and violence online are identified and made to answer for their actions.” However, she added that the problem could not be solved at national level alone. “We need a common European approach, and we will find appropriate rules, for instance under the Digital Services Act. Online service providers – including Telegram – should not be allowed to evade our laws.”

Ms Faeser and Ms Johansson also plan to cooperate closely in future. On behalf of Germany’s Federal Government Ms Faeser declared: “We will always act in the European spirit”.

Originally published at https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/kurzmeldungen/EN/2022/01/faeser-johansson.html;jsessionid=B66EA229D20A94FE62122081BF31DD5A.live861

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